Optimus Ride

Developing safe and reliable systems with high-quality 3D training data


Optimus Ride partners with local communities around the country to develop custom mobility systems capable of transporting people and goods safely and reliably

Optimus Ride is a Boston-based company that specializes in developing autonomous vehicles and systems for geo-fenced environments. Optimus Ride partners with local communities around the country to develop custom mobility systems capable of transporting people and goods safely and reliably. Optimus Ride’s team has focused on Geo-fenced environments to-date including mixed-use developments, city zones, office and industrial parks, ports, airports, academic campuses, retirement communities, and more.

“The team is constantly developing cutting-edge algorithms to develop safe and reliable systems,” explained Michaela Mann, Product Marketing Manager at Optimus Ride. With this hyperlocal strategy and cutting-edge technology, Optimus Ride brings together the promise of self-driving technologies with real-world considerations to enable safe, efficient, and sustainable mobility networks.

The Problem

More data than they could effectively label in-house

The Optimus Ride team initially labeled their data in-house. “Unfortunately, it just wasn’t as quick as we had hoped,” explained Nuno Almeida, Team Lead and Manager of AI, Optimus Ride. As Optimus Ride expanded into new environments and worked on developing more novel perception algorithms, they collected more data than they could effectively label in-house. “We needed a partner who could more efficiently and quickly label all this data we’re collecting,” added Almeida.

“We really liked all the SLAs that were provided to us and the whole Scale AI team stepped up and worked with us to meet our needs.”

Michaela Mann

Michaela Mann

Product Marketing Manager Optimus Ride

The Solution

Labeled data more quickly and at higher quality

The Optimus Ride team selected Scale AI as its data annotation provider for a few reasons; “With Scale AI, the main thing was that we can get our data labeled more quickly and at a higher quality than doing it in-house,” noted Almeida. Second, “We really liked all the SLAs that were provided to us and the whole Scale AI team stepped up and worked with us to meet our needs,” said Mann. “Scale’s commitment to quality has been really amazing. We’ve sent over different schemas and different attributes several times. Each time, we were able to align quickly and easily address any issues as they arose,” noted Kushagra “Kush” Tiwary, Perception Engineer, at Optimus Ride. “The hardest part of perception is all the edge cases. Having a partner that can flag these and address them swiftly has been great,” Tiwary added.

Lastly, “From an engineering point of view, the APIs that Scale provides allows us to create a system to automate all the interactions between our systems and Scale’s systems,” said Almeida. “All the logging functions allow us to easily check for errors and help with the whole process of quality assurance,” Almeida concluded.

The Result

Adapting with customers and providing product offerings that can scale

"We're focused on making sure we can bring all of the wonderful technology that exists today to our customers and our clients. We’ve deployed across four states and our nation’s capital so far and we work really closely with and listen to the needs of our clients to adapt with them and provide different product offerings that will allow us to continue expanding,” explained David Robert, Head of Product at Optimus Ride. “We're going to continue to increase our deployments, and the training data Scale AI provides will ensure that what we’re doing actually has practical use and enduring value for people,” he concluded.

“Our team is not only augmenting our current algorithms but also creating new and novel forms of perception. We know we can partner with Scale and leverage its capabilities and look forward to doing a lot more in the future.”

David Robert

David Robert

Head of Product Optimus Ride