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Customize Open-Source Models


Scale Pioneered RLHF and Fine-Tuning LLMs With Better Data

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Our partnership focuses on helping companies and government organizations customize pre-trained foundation models with their proprietary data to achieve enterprise value.

Lan Guan

Senior Managing Director, Accenture

Why Customize Your Own Model?

Your Challenges Are Unique. Your Model Should Be Too.

Customized Models Generate Enterprise Value

  • Performance: Models customized with your proprietary data perform better at your high-priority tasks.

  • Customizability: Customize models to your specific use cases, and shape how they respond to common scenarios so they can be an effective extension of your brand.

  • Safety: Enhance the safety of your models with human-in-the-loop testing, evaluation, and monitoring.


Customize Your Models With Scale Data Engine


Powering the next generation of Generative AI.

Scale Generative AI Data Engine powers the most advanced LLMs and generative models in the world through world-class RLHF, data generation, model evaluation, safety, and alignment.

AI Text Generator
  • openai
  • adept
  • cohere

Trusted by the world’s most ambitious AI teams.Meet our customers

Start Customizing LLMs Today

With our open-source repo LLM Engine you can customize and serve open-source models in just a few lines of code using your own data. Get started now by downloading the repo from Github.


Learn More About Customizing LLMs

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